Tonya Staggs (R) begins to wrap long strands of cloth into
a pretty turban for Andrea Hearn (L)
On May 3, Middle Tennessee JASNA members were introduced not only to the history of turbans as a fashion trend, but also learned techniques for wrapping a number of wonderful turban headpieces for themselves and their friends. Through a wonderful power point presentation, Tonya Staggs, Education Director at Historic Traveller's Rest, shared numerous slides of turbans throughout history. In her well-crafted presentation, Ms. Staggs shared examples of turbans of the Regency period like ones Jane Austen may have worn as well as turbans in other historic periods via their representation in beautiful portrait paintings and fashion plates.
Caroline Davis (L) strikes a pose with Roberta Maguire (Center) and Andrea Hearn (R)
Tonya Staggs puts finishing touches on Anna Groom's turban
Mildred Tilley likes her brown turban fashioned by Betsy Fleetwood
Jo Ann Staples (R) admires Anna Groom's (L) beautiful turban!
A fluffy feather adds the right touch to finish this elegant turban.